Vulnerability & Security Testing Services for the Telecommunications Management Sector

A leading telecom company constantly working to introduce newer technologies and constantly working to meet with the growing demands for telecom services.
Client has more than 5 million subscribers and almost 2,000 employees with large database holding sensitive data. They wanted our team to protect all the assets from unauthorized access, for this they wanted us to evaluate the security level of the information system by identifying possible vulnerabilities and support their development teams to eliminate any revealed security issues.
What We Did
Our penetration testers revealed a number of vulnerabilities with different levels of risk, besides technical issues we also helped them to evaluate and find an attack. As a result of doing this penetration testing they were able to take prompt security testing measures and eliminate possible negative impact.
Detailed analysis helped us to improve the process of the application. After detailed discussion about their public services, software versions and potential vulnerabilities we provided them the scope for testing all the selected elements of the customer’s network.
Following are the major vulnerabilities we detected
- The possibility to gain control over several network devices using a special control protocol
- Access to the systems using the default admin account
- Listed SQL Injection susceptibilities
- Possibility to get the administrative privileges and reading the database with sensitive data
- Systems susceptible to automated brute force
- Systems susceptible to Denial-of-service attacks
- Other less risky issues such as social engineering attacks, spoofing, cross-site scripting, etc.
Technologies Used
- Web Vulnerability Scanner
- Burp Suite
- Metasploit
- Nmap
- SQLMap
- We prepared a technical description of the detected system vulnerabilities with their classification according to how harmful for the system and business they potentially are.
- Actionable recommendations to eliminate the revealed security issues, as well as strategic security measures to secure the company’s resources in the long run.
Our Security Testing Services, enabled the client to get insights into potential security weaknesses present in their environment, eliminate many security risk and make necessary modifications as threats evolve.
Reach out to us and know more about our approach to protect your resources.